Multi-Message Signs
Multi-message signs can be used to display several safety messages on one sign, consolidating important information into a single focal point and remove unsightly sign clutter.
Different safety signs categories can be placed together vertically or horizontally on the same sign, however the sign should never combine two sign categories into one message.
e.g. This is correct - *Message 1: "Warning Triangle" "Danger"* & *Message 2: "Prohibition Symbol" "No unauthorised entry"* - This is incorrect - Message: "Warning Triangle" "Danger, No unauthorised entry"
All of our multi-message signs follow the design principles of BS EN ISO 7010:2020 to ensure maximum levels of comprehension.
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Do Not Climb On Racking - Use Steps Provided
Falls from a height are still the biggest cause of accidental lethality in the workplace. In additio..
Do Not Undertake On the Inside of this Vehicle Danger - Vehicle Turning
This multi-message sign advises motorists not to undertake the inside of the vehicle. Simply stick i..
Warning - Forklift Trucks Operating - High Visibility Clothing Must be Worn
Each year an average of 1,300 UK employees are hospitalised with serious injuries due to a forklift ..
Danger - Silica Dust - Approved Respirator Must be Worn
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of a dangerous haz..
Danger - Hazardous Area - Do Not Enter
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of a dangerous haz..
Warning - Chemical Store - No Unauthorised Access
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign advises of a warning haz..
Danger - High Voltage Keep Away
Warning signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of electrical hazards. Material Options Explaine..
Warning - UV Light - Wear Eye Protection
Ultra violet light can be extremely harmful to the eyes. Ensure employees wear eye protection with t..
GHS Symbols
Advise and remind staff and visitors of the meaning of the most common hazard symbols likely to be s..
Lockout Tag - Danger - Equipment Locked Out Do Not Operate - 80 x 150mm (Pack of 10)
This double sided safety tag warns viewers that specific pieces of machinery has been locked out and..
Door Screen Sign - No Entry Caution - Men At Work
Door Screen Safety Signs offer an innovative solution to warning people of potential hazards by cord..
Door Screen Sign - No Entry Caution - Cleaning in Progress
Door Screen Safety Signs offer an innovative solution to warning people of potential hazards by cord..
Petroleum Spirit - Highly Flammable - No Smoking, Naked Lights, Mobiles - Switch off Engine
This Petroleum Spirit multi-message sign is ideal for locations such as petrol stations. It provides..
Caution - Risk of Extreme Heat - Keep Hydrated and Wear Sun Protection
As global temperatures continue to rise we find ourselves working in ever more extreme conditions. W..
Danger - Petroleum Spirit Multi-Message
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Warning - Farm Livestock - Dogs must be Kept on a Lead
Farms and agriculture pose a number of industry specific risks such as pesticides, machinery and tra..
Warning - Cows with Calves in Field - Dogs must be Kept on a Lead
Farms and agriculture pose a number of industry specific risks such as pesticides, machinery and tra..
Warning - Sheep Grazing - Dogs must be Kept on a Lead
Farms and agriculture pose a number of industry specific risks such as pesticides, machinery and tra..
Cattle Crossing - Drive slowly
Farms and agriculture pose a number of industry specific risks such as pesticides, machinery and tra..
Farm Site Safety Board with 4 Safety Messages
Farms and agriculture pose a number of industry specific risks such as pesticides, machinery and tra..
Caution - Loading Area - No Parking
Loading bays can be very busy areas for logistics companies, warehouses and production facilities. L..
Caution - Loading Area - No Unauthorised Access
Loading bays can be very busy areas for logistics companies, warehouses and production facilities. L..
Warning - Exclusion Zone - No Unauthorised Admittance - Zone ID and Contact
There are many very busy areas within businesses such as construction sites, logistics companies, wa..
Warning - Restricted Zone - No Unauthorised Personnel - Zone ID and Contact
There are many very busy areas within businesses such as construction sites, logistics companies, wa..
All Drivers Must - Shut off Engine - Remove Keys - Set Brakes - Chock Wheels
This multi-message sign highlight actions which must be carried out by drivers when entering the des..
Caution - Loading Area - No Pedestrians
Loading bays can be very busy areas for logistics companies, warehouses and production facilities. L..
Caution - Loading Bay - Maximum SWL
Loading bays can be very busy areas for logistics companies, warehouses and production facilities. L..
Danger - Asbestos - No Unauthorised Persons - No Smoking - Eating or Drinking
This multi-message sign provides multiple safety messages to warn viewers of an asbestos hazard and ..
Danger - Asbestos - No Unauthorised Persons - No Smoking - Eating or Drinking - Approved Respirator
This multi-message sign provides multiple safety messages to warn viewers of an asbestos hazard plus..
Danger - Falling Hazard - Stay Clear of Loading Dock - Do Not Jump
This multi-message sign has been designed to warn viewers of the falling from height dangers of load..
Gas Cylinder Storage - Danger - Compressed Gas - No Smoking - No Unauthorised Personnel
This multi-message sign provides multiple safety messages to warn viewers of hazards in a gas cylind..
No Parking - Disabled Access Required at all Times
This sign indicates areas where parking is prohibited due to disabled access being required at all t..
No Parking - Please Leave Clear
This sign indicates areas where parking is prohibited due to the area being required to be left clea..
Respirator Zone - Danger - Asbestos - No Unauthorised Persons - No Smoking - Eating or Drinking
This multi-message sign provides multiple safety messages to warn viewers of an asbestos hazard and ..
Danger - Asbestos Site Safety Board with Contact Details
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Warning - Vehicles Reversing - High Vis Clothing Must be Worn
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Forklift Trucks Operating - No Pedestrians
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Lift Machine - Access Forbidden Unauthorised Persons
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Do Not Carry Out Maintenance Etc
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Caution - Hot Surface Do Not Touch
These signs are popular within the catering and hygiene environments Material Options Explained ..
Danger - Battery Charging - No Unauthorised Entry
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Acid Wear PPE
This multi-message sign provides a hazardous substance warning for acid and advises to use personal ..
Danger - Corrosive Materials Use Hand Protection
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Danger - Hazardous Substances - Wear PPE
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Danger - Hazardous Substances See Data Sheets
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Danger - Hazardous Waste - Handle with Care
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Danger - Quarry Workings - Keep Out
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Biohazard Protective Clothing Must be Worn
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained ..
Warning - Welding in Progress - Extractors Must be Used
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained ..
Warning - Forklift Trucks - Sound Horn
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Battery Charging Precautions
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
No Smoking You Are Entering a Food Production Area
These signs are popular within the catering and hygiene environments Material Options Explained Bel..
You Are Entering Food Production Area Wash Your Hands
These signs are popular within the catering and hygiene environments Material Options Explained Bel..
Cookers & Ovens Multi-Message
These signs are popular within the catering and hygiene environments Material Options Explained ..
Chilled and Frozen Foods
These signs are popular within the catering and hygiene environments Material Options Explained Bel..
Electrical Mains Switch - Keep Clear
Identify switches and valves to shut down machinery and equipment quickly and safely Material Optio..
Gas Mains Shut Off Valve Keep Clear
Identify switches and valves to shut off gas quickly and safely Material Options Explained Below..
Water Mains Shut Off Valve - Keep Clear
Identify switches and valves to shut down machinery and equipment quickly and safely Material Optio..
Petroleum Spirit - Highly Flammable - No Smoking - Switch Off Engine
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Petroleum Spirit - Highly Flammable - No Smoking, Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Petroleum Mixture - Highly Flammable - No Smoking - No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Danger - Highly Flammable - No Smoking - No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Danger - Flammable Liquid - No Smoking - No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Danger - Explosive Gases No Smoking No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Danger - LPG Highly Flammable - No Smoking - No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Flammable Liquid No Smoking / Naked Lights Batteries On Charge
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Warning - Under Test - Do Not Touch
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Men At Work - Do Not Switch On
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - No Unauthorised Entry
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Out of Order - Do Not Start Or Touch
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Men At Work - Do Not Touch
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Fragile Roof - Crawling Boards Or Ladders Must be Used
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Keep Out
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Keep Away
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Danger - Keep Clear
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Caution - Switch Off Before Removing Guards
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
Caution - All Guards Must be in Position Before Starting
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
Caution - Loading Area Keep Clear
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Battery Charging in Progress No Smoking No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Danger - Flammable Vapour - No Smoking - No Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Petroleum Spirit - Highly Flammable - No Smoking, Naked Lights, Mobiles - Switch off Engine
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Warning - Do Not Use Roof for Storage
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Do Not Reach Over Or Under Running Machinery
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
Warning - Fragile Roof Area - Do Not Use for Storage
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Explosive Atmosphere Highly Flammable No Smoking / Naked Lights
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Explosive Atmosphere LPG Highly Flammable No Smoking / Naked Light
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard of f..
Ear Protection Zone - No Entry without Ear Protection
Mandatory Signs Inform employees and visitors what PPE is required to be worn Material Options Expl..
Warning - Noise Hazard - Ear Protection Must be Worn
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - Approved PPE Must be Worn
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - Permit to Work Must be Obtained
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - No Entry - Keep Locked
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - No Entry - Permit to Work
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Confined Space - No Unauthorised Entry
Warning sign specific to the dangers of asbestos hazards Material Options Explained Below is a m..
Danger - Asbestos Do Not Disturb Material Report Damage
Warning sign specific to the dangers of asbestos hazards Material Options Explained Below is a m..
Danger - Asbestos Approved Respirator Must be Worn
Warning sign specific to the dangers of asbestos hazards Material Options Explained Below is a m..
Danger - Asbestos Permit to Work Must be Obtained
Warning sign specific to the dangers of asbestos hazards Material Options Explained Below is a m..
Danger - Asbestos Insulation - Do Not Disturb - Report Damage
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. This sign warns of the hazard and ..
Multi Hazard Area - No Unauthorised Admittance - Visitors Reception
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
Caution - Pedestrian Area Proceed with Caution
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below ..
Danger - Fragile Roof - Strictly No Access
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Bel..